Glenn Burdick, MA, LMSW
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are your fees?
Q: Do you accept insurance?
Q: What forms of payment do you accept at the office?
Q: How long is each session?
Q: What can I do if my partner/spouse won't agree to counseling?
Q: How long will we be in counseling?
Q: Are there any books I can read that would help me understand my relationship better?
Q: What are your fees? [ Top ]
A: My fees are as follows:
- Couple's session 45 minutes: 115.00
- Couple's session 90 minutes: 230.00
- Individual session 45 minutes: 115.00
If you are experiencing significant financial hardship that would keep you from entering counseling please contact me directly.
Q: Do you accept insurance? [ Top ]
A: I am an empaneled provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, PPOM, United Health/United Behavioral Health, Magellan as well as several employee assistance programs, and I receive payment directly from those companies. Payment is otherwise made directly to me at the end of each session. Other health insurance companies may reimburse clients for services I provide.
Every insurance company that covers mental health services has different policies regarding who can be a provider of services, whether pre-authorization is required, etc. It is each client's responsibility to understand their benefits, and to get reimbursed by their insurance company for services that I provide.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept at the office? [ Top ]
A: Payment at the office can be made by cash or check, and by credit/debit card processed through Paypal or Propay.
Q: How long is each session? [ Top ]
A: Individual sessions are generally 45 minutes in length. Relationship therapy sessions are generally 45 minutes as well, though it is often optimal, and sometimes necessary, to conduct a number of 90 minute sessions in the beginning of relationship counseling.
Q: What can I do if my partner/spouse won't agree to counseling? [ Top ]
A: Far too often one partner or the other in a relationship is reluctant to participate, due to feeling demoralized, defensive, or even afraid of further conflict arising in counseling sessions. It is understandable, of course, that people don't want to do something they expect to be uncomfortable, or unhelpful.
Frequently couples have become locked in a power struggle over who is to blame for the problems in the relationship, and if the partner believes the other is at fault, or feels blamed for all the problems, they may refuse to participate. The best strategy in that case is to simply listen to your partners feelings about participating in counseling, without blaming them or being defensive, simply reflecting back to them their understandable feelings. Also, you can ask them to agree to attend one session for your sake, to help you understand how to be a better partner to them.
Once you are both in my office I will help you both understand what has been causing the relationship problems, and how I will be able to help you significantly improve your relationship in a relatively short period of time. Many people don't understand that this is even possible, so they are hesitant or doubtful, especially if they have been in unsuccesful couples counseling in the past.
Q: How long will we be in counseling? [ Top ]
A: That depends to a great extent on the state of your relationship. In general, I encourage couples to commit to 12 sessions, held once per week in the beginning, later every two weeks. You will also need to practice the dialogue process that we use in sessions at home between sessions.
Typically by the end of 12 sessions you will have had a number of experiences of moving quickly from conflict to undertanding, from defensiveness to true understanding and empathy. Having done this at home without a therapist present tremendously increases your confidence that you can relate in this manner long into the future.
Even couples who in the beginning aren't sure they want to remain together will be in a much better position to make the best possible decision for themselves by that time, based upon effective communication and experience of what is possible for them in the relationship.
Q: Are there any books I can read that would help me understand my relationship better? [ Top ]
A: My mentor, Harville Hendrix, PhD. has written several helpful books, including:
Getting The Love You Want, A Guide for Couples
Keeping the Love You Find, A Guide for Singles
Giving the Love that Heals, A Guide for Parents
I offer relationship and marriage counseling and individual therapy in Ann Arbor, MI. If you have specific additional questions about my services please email me at , or click on the Contact menu item. If you are ready to enter relationship or individual counseling at this time, please call me at 734-395-2122 for a free 10 minute phone consultation in which we can discuss the way in which my services can make a difference in your life, and to schedule an initial appointment.

