Glenn Burdick, MA, LMSW
Psychotherapy & Counseling Services in Ann Arbor, MI
- Relationship and marriage counseling
- Marriage and relationship coaching
- Individual and group therapy for:
mood disorders, including anxiety/panic and depression
- Stress reduction, stress-related medical problems, including headache, insomnia, bruxism, essential hypertension
- Coping with chronic illness, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, MS
- Coping with terminal illness, including cancer, HIV
- Coping with psychospiritual crisis
- Post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias and fears
I offer relationship and marriage counseling and individual therapy in Ann Arbor, MI. If you have specific additional questions about my services please email me at , or click on the Contact menu item. If you are ready to enter relationship or individual counseling at this time, please call me at 734-395-2122 for a free 10 minute phone consultation in which we can discuss the way in which my services can make a difference in your life, and to schedule an initial appointment.

